Foods that Italians are Not Willing to Give Up at the Table

on August 28, 2021

What are the most important foods for Italians?

A research has revealed which foods Italians are not willing to give up at the table. The research "Prevention and lifestyles" explores the consumption habits and culinary preferences of Italians.

For Italians, there are some truly essential foods. Specifically, the research “Prevention and Lifestyles”curated by UniSalute Italian Institute and articulated in eating habits, physical activity and preventionwas able to illustrate what they really are.

The results of this special analysis were presented this August at the event "Vivere in Salute" in Rome.

The study found that 64% of Italians would never give up extra virgin olive oil as an ingredient to be included every day in their personal diet.
In second position, behind oil, there are seasonal vegetables (considered essential for 53% of respondents), followed by coffee (18%) and spices (5%).

According to the study, the type of cuisine most important for Italians is the regional cuisine (indicated by 91% of the interviewees), while the most popular food is pizza (chosen by 65% ​​of the Italians). The analysis underlines the importance of the Mediterranean diet for Italians.

Among the most important foods for Italians is fruit and vegetables (consumed several times a day, respectively, by 40% and 39% of the people interviewed). Then there is bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. A total of 89% of respondents said they had a generous breakfast, accompanying food with milk, tea or coffee.

For the 68% of the interviewees, food is a source of satisfaction, pleasure and happiness, while for the 49% it represents a moment of sharing and socializing. One in 3 Italians is convinced that nutrition is a vehicle for well-being and considers food a way to stay healthy.

Overweight and obesity, not surprisingly, are considered the main risks of a wrong diet by 32% of respondents.
One in 5 people, on the other hand, are concerned about the possible correlation with the incidence of cancer, while 16% of the interviewees are concerned about the rise in cholesterol levels and 15% about the negative effects on circulation and cardiovascular disease.


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