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Pasta Made From Heirloom Wheat Grown in Abruzzo
"Sagne a Pezzi, meaning ""short broken pieces of lasagna,"" was traditionally made from bits of lasagne left over from the pasta making process. It is a ruffled and curly noodle with lots of nooks for holding sauce. Try tossing sagne a pezzi in a sauté of fresh peas and a crisped prosciutto.
PrimoGrano, meaning “first grain,” was the idea of Rustichella pasta maker Gianluigi Peduzzi, who sought to bring back the flavors of authentic pasta made with 100% Abruzzo-grown wheat like those that his grandfather made at the turn of the last century. Gianluigi has partnered with farmers in Abruzzo to revive local heirloom wheat varieties, many of them nearly extinct and all of them very high in protein ideal for making pasta. The soft and fragrant semolina from these summer wheats is used to craft some of the traditional shapes made by Gianluigi's grandfather: chitarra, penne lisce and sagne a pezzi.
Fragrant as freshly baked bread and with a supple, delicate texture, PrimoGrano is best enjoyed with light or simple olive oil-based sauces to allow the unique flavor to shine through."
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CAPUTO Lievito Disidratato, Italian Active Dry Yeast - 100g (3.5oz)